Fancy a boozy pick-me-up? Um yes please!
Who LOVES an espresso martini but can't hack the caffeine? Well have we got super good news for you!
How about a caffeine-free espresso marTEAni!
Say what?!
Yep that's right, using our fan fave rooibos blend, Irish Cream, tasting just like an Irish liquor, its an absolute winner!
This recipe tastes JUST AS GOOD as the caffeinated version, so quick get the glasses and ice ready! You can feel rest assured this delicious cocktail won't be affecting your slumber tonight!
Makes: 1 perfect cocktail and can of course be made as mocktail if preferred!

What you will need:
- 3 Perfect Tea Spoons of Irish Cream tea (You can also use Gingerbread Chai)
- 1 dessert spoon of sweetener, we use vanilla syrup!
- 25ml vodka (if making cocktail version)
- 25ml Kahlua/Tia Maria (if making cocktail version)
- A cup of ice
- Cocoa powder for dusting
- A few coffee beans for decoration (you can pick these out of your tea blend!)
What to do:
- Brew 3 Perfect Tea Spoons of your tea in 200ml of water for at least 6 mins, we use our Brewdini Gravity Steeper for the perfect mess free brewer and strainer!
- Strain & leave to cool.
- When ready to serve, add your now cooled tea into a cocktail shaker along with the desert spoonful of your chosen sweetener & your ice.
- Add the vodka & Kahlua if you are making the tipsy version!
- Shake shake shake! This is creating the classic martini foam... to get the perfect foam you need to shake the shaker until it is so cold you can't stand to hold it anymore!
- Pour your martini through a strainer or sieve, into your martini glass (leaving the ice in the shaker)
- Dust with cocoa powder & add three coffee beans for the perfect garnish!
- Enjoy!
Hello Sarah,
This is a great question, if you would like to make this cocktail as a mocktail all you need to do is just not include the vodka, Tia Maria or Kahlua. Let us know how it goes!
How do you make the mocktail version?