Making the perfect cup of loose leaf tea doesn’t need to be at all messy or complicated. With just a few tweaks and a bit of love and attention - we promise the resulting flavours you get out of loose tea are 100% worth it! Follow this simple guide to make the perfect loose leaf tea.
What you will need:
- An infuser or teapot, have a look at our favourites
- Your favourite loose leaf tea
- Mug or cup
- Perfect Tea Spoon
As you can see, you don’t need any fancy equipment to make a perfect cup of tea; most people have a mug and a spoon in their kitchens. It might just be the infuser that seems a bit alien - and we have some starter tips for that a bit further down.
Three easy steps to brewing the perfect cup of loose leaf tea:
1. Place 1 heaped teaspoon of loose leaf tea per person into your infuser / teapot.
3. Set a timer for the moment the water hits the leaves. Leave to brew for the desired time & strain as soon as your timer goes off.

Easy tea brewing guide:
Be aware there are different brewing times, for different types of tea. But don’t worry- we have a general rule of thumb:
Green, white and oolong tea are delicate teas and need to be handled gently. They like brewing times of no longer than 3 mins and 80° water (otherwise they become bitter).
If you don’t have a fancy temperature kettle, don’t worry! This is very easy to do… you just add 1 part cold water to your mug and then 4 parts hot water: done!
Black teas need at least 4 minutes brewing time with 100° water to let the full flavour develop, especially if you are adding milk. Let your leaves brew for the full time first, before adding the milk, otherwise the milk cools the water and you won’t get a proper steep!
All other herbal teas including fruit teas and rooibos teas can be brewed for as long as you want (for at least 4 minutes), keep in mind the longer you brew the stronger the flavour. You can add milk to rooibos too, if you like.
Our Brewdini Gravity Steepers are the perfect way to make the ulTEAmate mess free cuppa! We love them so much, we use them in all our stores to make all your favourite drinks. Not only do they give your tea leaves the space to brew that they deserve (giving you the best flavour) but they are super easy to use and clean! Check out the video below to see this beauTea in action!
Hi Alison,
Thank you for your comment, great question that is asked by many TEAbirds. We now how a new video on our YouTube channel which gives you step by step instructions for the best way to clean your Brewdini Gravity Steeper:
Hannah from Bird & Blend Tea Co.
Could you show how to clean the gravity infuser? I see elsewhere on your site mention of removing the lid and the filter but I can’t see how to do it and I don’t want to break my infuser.